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Posts from the ‘Poetry’ Category

On Yours

I lay in bed a lot, thinking of when Michael and I lay there together. The mornings where we had nothing else to do but sleep in, rolling into each others arms, with me kissing them as they embraced me. The evenings in which the world fell asleep with us, as there was nothing but him and I. Sometimes my heart will beat out of my chest reminiscing of those times, and it’s almost as if I’m back there.

I wrote this one night in which I could hear nothing but my heart beat, as I lay in bed. When I hear it I think of him, and the crazy world I find myself in becomes calm, and I know his beats with mine.


My heart racing

up against yours…


Trying to catch up to the feelings,

the emotions

protruding out every pore.


But we lay still



knowing that if we lay here long enough,

they’ll find their way…

the pounding of our chests will become



and our hearts will laugh….

as we realize,

laying there like



that we are at the one place we are supposed to be.


And with my face pressed against your chest,

I smile.


And I’ll


And I’ll


I don’t have much to say today….

simply, “Thank you for lighting my sky.”

My love, my sun, my everything.

The tic toc of the clock

makes me think of

moments gone by,

moments that are passing,


that would want to

turn back


just to share them with


My One True Love

As I awaken, each and every day,
Thoughts of love turn to you.
An unbreakable bond between us two,
A special love ever so true..
The warm glow in your eyes,
The sweet smile on your face;
Makes me want to hold you,
Forever in love’s tender embrace.

The gentleness of your touch,
The sweet passion of your kiss.
Just a couple of many pleasures,
I longingly so miss..
The sound of your voice,
Is like a song in my heart.
Always bringing me happiness,
As it has done from our start..

We’ve shared many joys ,
And and also felt some sorrows.
Yet our future is filled ,
Of wonderful tomorrows.
So until that bright day,
Far away such as it seems.
You shall always be my one true Love….
The man of my dreams.
-Author Unknown


The pain one knows, the pain one feels with the separation of true love is undefinable.

I have touched his skin, kissed his lips, heard his words, but above all felt his love.
A love that I cannot define, other than being one that knows no limits.

It knows nor life or death, nor distance and time,
but it aches for his soul,
his soul when mixed with mine,
one so complete that i wish to know no other.

Tears are shed for the moments I can feel him, yet never enough,
and for the oceans of heaven we are separated by.

It is a love so pure that others do not understand,
a love that others disregard and brush aside,

but I have known it, I have lived it,
it is the air I breathe, it is the reason I am me.

If there was a door I could enter to just feel his presence, a breath from his mouth,
I would be there.

But until then, I shall live on this earth as a half, a half that does not want any other than him,
that does not want anything but the eternal love i know, no matter where, we both feel as it beats in our hearts worlds apart.

and I will wait
I will wait………………..
-T. Davis

Your Grief

Your grief for what youve lost holds a mirror

up to where youve bravely working.

Expecting the worst, you look and instead,
heres the joyful face youve been wanting to see.

Your hand opens and closes and opens and closes.
If it were always a fist or always stretched open,
you would be paralyzed.

Your deepest presence is in every small contracting and expand
the two as beautifully balanced and coordinated
as birdwings.

-Jalaluddin Rumi


Wow!! Came across these and got those ever present chills.

I felt like this while walking through Spain. I wanted to touch, smell, hear everything to it’s maximum capacity. I was taking notes in my head to give Michael, experiences that I wanted to share with him. It sucks on those days when I don’t get to have those notes to give him, but the days when I do, the days when I feel I have lived, those are the ones which are bound and printed in my memory for him.

Love Sonnet LXXXIX by Pablo Neruda

When I die, I want your hands on my eyes:
I want the light and wheat of your beloved hands
to pass their freshness over me once more:
I want to feel the softness that changed my destiny.

I want you to live while I wait for you, asleep.
I want your ears still to hear the wind, I want you
to sniff the sea’s aroma that we loved together,
to continue to walk on the sand we walk on.

I want what I love to continue to live
and you, whom I love and sang above everything else
to continue to flourish, full-flowered:

so that you can teach everything my love directs you to,
so that my shadow can travel alone in your hair,
so that everything can learn the reason for my song.